
Five beard styles for alpha men

                                Since ancient times men all around the world have worn facial hair for a variety of reasons. Even today beards and other types of facial hair are worn by different people in different cultures with many different believes and motivations, from Amish people to Hipsters today we are going to be covering five different facial hair styles and their underlining meaning and symbolism. Read the whole article and at the end of it we will announce a contest for those of you dedicated to growing your own facial hair. 1.     1. The Rugged Beard              The rugged beard, also known as the full beard is the facial hair you get after diching the razor for about five months. But it’s not as simple as it sounds, not everyone can grow a full beard, some gentlemen have extremely patchy facial hair which would leave their beard with a bunch of holes in it if they would to grow it in this style, however since some of the hair may cover the pa

3 Tips to attract girls

                           The one thing any young guy strives for is to attract the females, to find that one special person to bring warmth ti his heart, or to find a couple of them to bring warmth to some other parts… Whatever your reason may be it’s undoubtable that more and more young men are looking for a girlfriend and more and more of them aren’t able to attract and seduce anyone. So today in the spirit of helping young men all over the world strive to become the best, the greatest, the most alpha males they can be, we at The Aloha Teen bring you these THREE TIPS TO ATTRACT GIRLS , CAUTION these may cause broken hearts ;) 1.     Keep good eye contact Gentlemen, good eye contact is not only attractive to girls, it’s necessary to convey any type of confidence in a conversation. People with strong eye contact tend to be more successful because they are perceived by others to be more dominant, more sure in themselves and more dominant, thus this is a skill

How to be more dominant

                How to be more dominant                        One of the things that make you an alpha male is certainly the dominance that others perceive in you in different situations. There are many types of dominance, depending on what environment you find yourself in, in a social situation such as a party or a work meeting your dominance is shown through interaction with other people, in school or at work you can show your dominance through your skills and abilities. The problem is that many guys don’t even try to be dominant, to be a leader, they would much rather not risk it and sit in the back of class, or avoid eye contact with the girl they like. And even the men who do want to show their more dominant side don’t know how to do it. But fear not gentlemen! In this articles we will go over important things and tips to keep in mind when the time comes for you to shine and show who is the alpha! Crush self-doubt             Insecurity and doubt in yourse
            TOP 5 THINGS IT MEANS TO BE AN ALPHA            More often than not young man come to us asking us “What does it really mean to be an alpha? What is it you truly stand for?” And we understand their confusion completely, after spending their whole lives in a society that doesn’t value the true man the way our ancestors used to, our lives slip into a passive existence and our brains go into “beta mode” turning otherwise capable men ready to learn and improve themselves into beta males who only blindly follow the instructions that society gives them. So today, we want to end the confusion by making this TOP FIVE THINGS IT MEANS TO BE AN ALPHA. 1.     NOT BEING A JERK      When you say “alpha male” the first thing that comes to people’s minds is a macho jerk who puts down others and acts aggressively always looking for a fight. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth, people who act this way thinking that they are alpha are actually the most beta males tha