How to be more dominant


How to be more dominant

                      One of the things that make you an alpha male is certainly the dominance that others perceive in you in different situations. There are many types of dominance, depending on what environment you find yourself in, in a social situation such as a party or a work meeting your dominance is shown through interaction with other people, in school or at work you can show your dominance through your skills and abilities. The problem is that many guys don’t even try to be dominant, to be a leader, they would much rather not risk it and sit in the back of class, or avoid eye contact with the girl they like. And even the men who do want to show their more dominant side don’t know how to do it. But fear not gentlemen! In this articles we will go over important things and tips to keep in mind when the time comes for you to shine and show who is the alpha!

Crush self-doubt
            Insecurity and doubt in yourself, your looks and your abilities is the leading reason why men of all ages fail at being a dominant man. It’s not possible to achieve the final goal of being perceived as an alpha badass if you yourself do not believe that you are one. Some of us are naturally more confident and forward, but this is a skill anyone can develop with sufficient training.
Here’s a little exercise you can do to boost your confidence and lower the feelings of insecurity. Whenever you find yourself in a social situation where you need to let your dominant side show, and you feel that dreadful feeling of doubt or insecurity creeping up on you, you need to catch yourself before you get overwhelmed by it, you need to break the pattern of thinking that led to those emotions, and you need to assert your dominance with yourself.
Here’s an example of how this would work.
So let’s say you’re out on a date with a hot girl (or boy), everything is going well, but suddenly in the middle of the conversation you find yourself thinking:
“She (he) is way too hot for me. This is way out of my comfort zone. She (he) is probably board of me.” Once you catch yourself in doubt, you need to break the pattern. What you can do is stop thinking that way immediately, clear your head, excuse yourself to the bathroom or simply fix your posture. The next step is to assert your dominance, start thinking positively:
“Of course I can do this! Even if this person doesn’t find me attractive I will still be okay. I’m so interesting and witty I’m sure I can restart this conversation!” Say that to yourself and really make yourself believe it, enjoy a moment of egocentrism and once you are ready, go back into the conversation with your new confident posture. You will see how fast this exercise works in any social situation where you need to show your dominance.

 Stay cool
            The most undominant and weak thing you can do is to lose your cool, to go into a bothered and uncalm state of mind. Nobody will feel your dominant energy if you do not present yourself calm and collected. Talking fast, stuttering, rambling and changing subjects quickly are all big signs of insecurity. A confident and collected alpha male speaks slowly, speaks only when he has something to say, is comfortable with silence and listens when he is spoken to. Being a slow talker and a good listener are key factors in showing dominance and confidence in any social situation. However, although keeping your appearance and presentation cool, calm and collected is a must, you also need to show some emotions, don’t be the quiet and reserved guy sitting in the corner of the room, but also don’t be the loud and obnoxious dude that doesn’t let others speak. You need to find the perfect balance and keep it until the end of conversation, because nothing screams dominant like a man who listens carefully and speaks powerfully.

Fake it ‘till you make it
            When it comes to dominance and confidence, even if you don’t have any, you have to start somewhere. The perfect strategy is to fake your confidence and dominance until you naturally form. What you need to do is behave as if you are a naturally dominant and confidant individual and slowly it will pass into habit, making you truly dominant and confident with different people in different situation.
What helped me a lot with my own struggle to become the dominant and confident man that I now am, is just repeating a few steps that get my mind going in the direction of confidence and forming a dominating mindset. What you need to do is simple, fix your spine, hold your head high, lower the tone of your voice and make and hold good eyes contact (more on this in a future article, stay tuned). These simple tricks are basically all that is needed in faking a dominant stance, and after a few minutes of this exercise, your mind will naturally go into a dominant mode.
As I said this tip is mostly for men with little to no dominance, as an easy and quick exercise to develop more of it. Even the greatest of entrepreneurs had to start somewhere, It’s here I would like to our partner for this article, The Teen Life. It’s a youtube channel made by a young, up and coming youtuber from India. He makes content similar to ours, helping young man and his subscribers to achieve more in life and be the best they can be. Make you to visit his channel at this link, see if you enjoy his content and make sure to say the Alpha Teen sent you.

            I hope you enjoyed our article and I hope it helped you in developing the confidence and dominance need to prevail in any social situation. In the near future we plan on posting a few articles explaining the ins and outs of good eye contact, how to adjust the tone and tempo of you voice as well as a few articles on dating advice and style tips. We will be posting our articles two times a week from now on. To keep yourself informed on our future posts and for more motivational and inspirational content, follow out Instagram page @the_alpha_teen and gentlemen remember, being alpha isn’t easy, but it’s defiantly worth it!


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