
If you support our work please consider sending us a donation.

Why should you donate?

We need your support to keep doing the thing we love, that is to provide young men with good resources and guides to living a good life, and being the best men they can hope to become. Each donation provides us with the funds and motivation we need to keep working on our brand and out blog. 

What will we do with the money?

The money that you give to us will be spent on improving our blog, buying equipment needed for better quality posts and resources we need to spread our message to a bigger audience. 

How much should I donate?

We will be thankful for any amount of money you can afford to spend on supporting our work and we are honored to have such a loyal following, thus any amount of money you are comfortable with is good for us. 

How can i donate?

The only way you can currently donate money to our cause is by sending your donation vie PayPal. When we grow our brand a bit more we do plan on getting a Patreon or even a Kickstarted page for out future projects.

PayPal e-mail for donations: 


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